Life has a way of revealing a balance between strength and flexibility. Nature shows us, in the way trees sway with the wind or rivers cut through rock over time…
Life has a way of revealing a balance between strength and flexibility. Nature shows us, in the way trees sway with the wind or rivers cut through rock over time…
Life has a way of revealing a balance between strength and flexibility. Nature shows us, in the way trees sway with the wind or rivers cut through rock over time…
In blending analog and digital, we’re like map-readers of a foreign language, transforming not just tools, but our interaction with the world itself…
“You are in possession of an exquisite machine motionlessly buoyant in the softly circulating fluids of your skull. A world-building machine. And psychedelic molecules are the tools for tuning and operating this machine.”
Says Andrew R. Gallimore in his new book Reality Switch Technologies:
We must be careful that the myth itself is not our meaning. Do we not revel especially in those stories of unbounded heroism born from the beiged mundanity of suburban streets?